Tentative Program

Tutorial Lectures: ROBOTS
P. Flocchini
Look-Compute-Move Robots: Models (slides)
G. Prencipe
Arbitrary Pattern Formation (slides)
Y. Yamauchi
Symmetricity and Pattern Formation in 2D and 3D (slides)
K. Wada
Computing by Luminous Robots (abstract: txt pdf) (slides)
F. Meyer auf der Heide
Continuous Strategies for Swarm Robotics (abstract: txt pdf) (slides)
S. Fekete
Algorithms for Robot Navigation: From Optimizing Individual Robots to Particle Swarms (abstract: txt pdf) (slides)
E. Kranakis
Mobility and Communication in Search, Evacuation, and Patrolling (abstract: txt pdf) (slides)
Tutorial Lectures: AGENTS
N. Santoro
Mobile Agents in Graphs: Models (slides)
S. Das
Explorations and Elections (slides)
A. Pelc
Deterministic Rendezvous in Networks (abstract: txt pdf) (slides)
S. Dobrev
Exploring Dangerous Graphs (slides)
D. Ilcinkas
Graph Exploration by Oblivious Agents (slides)
A. Navarra
Gathering of Oblivious Agents in Graphs (abstract: txt pdf) (slides)
T. Pavlic
Living Laboratories and Natural Histories for Moving and Computing (abstract: txt pdf) (slides)
C. Scheideler
Amoebots and Beyond: Models and Approaches for Programmable Matter (abstract: txt pdf) (slides)

C. Schindelhauer
The Multi-Robot Exploration Problem (abstract)
G. Di Stefano
Embedded Pattern Formation Without Orientation: Generalizations and Open Problems (abstract)
S. Tixeuil
TBA (abstract)
K. Mukhopadhyaya
Gathering in Three Dimensional Space (abstract)
M. Popot Butucaru
TBA (abstract)
A. Pelc
Use of Information, Memory and Randomization in Asynchronous Gathering (abstract)
G.A. Di Luna
Exploration and Gathering in Dynamic Rings (abstract)
E. Bampas
TBA (abstract)

OPEN PROBLEMS (confirmed)
C. Schindelhauer
"Algorithmic problems for distributed robot algorithms for Intralogistics: Open questions from a changing industry."