Invited Scheduled Talks
Quentin Bramas
Solving the rendezvous problem with persistent unit-distance
The rendezvous problem is fundamental for autonomous mobile robots. It is one of the first impossibility result proved by Suzuki and Yamashita. In this presentation we will see how to solve it in the semi-synchronous model using very weak additional hypothesis: when the robots agree on a single axis, or when the robots disagree on their unit-distance. For the latter, we use a new technique based on the persistence of the robots' unit-distances. This technique is also used to solve the rendez-vous in FSYNC in presence of a crashed robot (this problem is not solvable in SSYNC), and can be generalized to solve the gathering in presence of a crashed robot.
Keywords: mobile robots, rendezvous, fault-tolerant
Jean-Lou De Carufel
Pursuit-Evasion in Graphs: Zombies, Lazy Zombies and a Survivor
We study zombies and survivor, a variant of the game of cops and robber on graphs. In this variant, the single survivor plays the role of the robber and attempts to escape from the zombies that play the role of the cops. The zombies are restricted, on their turn, to always follow an edge of a shortest path towards the survivor.
Let $z(G)$ be the smallest number of zombies required to catch the survivor on a graph $G$ with $n$ vertices. We show that there exist outerplanar graphs and visibility graphs of simple polygons such that $z(G) = \Theta(n)$. We also show that there exist maximum-degree-$3$ outerplanar graphs such that $z(G) = \Omega(n/\log(n))$.
Let $z_L (G)$ be the smallest number of lazy zombies (zombies that can stay still on their turn) required to catch the survivor on a graph $G$. We show that lazy zombies are more powerful than normal zombies but less powerful than cops. We prove that $z_L(G) \leq 2$ for connected outerplanar graphs and this bound is tight in the worst case. We show that $z_L(G) \leq k$ for connected graphs with treedepth $k$. This result implies that $z_L(G)$ is at most $(k+1)\log(n)$ for connected graphs with treewidth k, $O(n)$ for connected planar graphs, $O(gn)$ for connected graphs with genus $g$ and $O(h\sqrt{h}n) for connected graphs with any excluded $h$-vertex minor. Our results on lazy zombies still hold when an adversary chooses the initial positions of the zombies.
Xavier Defago
Verification and Synthesis of Rendezvous Algorithms for Luminous Robots
The rendezvous of robots with lights has been a subject of active studies for a few years, with many algorithms testing the limits of existing models. Although very simple, rendezvous algorithms turn out to be surprisingly difficult to verify manually. Therefore, we have developed a framework to verify such algorithms automatically by using model checking.
This talk focuses on the synthesis of rendezvous algorithms which consists in, given a model (light model, number of colors, scheduler, ...), to output all algorithms that will solve rendezvous in that model. The method relies on the framework for model-checking presented in earlier work, combined with filtering criteria to deal with the combinatorial explosion.
Stephane Devismes
Exploring an Infinite Grid using Disoriented Robots
In this talk, we address the problem of solving an infinite task using a few very weak computing mobile entities, so-called robot. More precisely, we consider the exploration of an infinite grid using a tiny swarm of such very weak luminous robots (no compass, no chirality,...) assuming synchronous settings.
Those robots are mobile and can perceive their surrounding within a fixed visibility range. Moreover, each of them is endowed with a light that can take different colors; the light color can be also perceived by robots in the surrounding. In this context, we look for optimal solutions w.r.t. the number of robots, the visibility range, and the number used colors.
Giuseppe A. Di Luna
Black hole Search in Dynamic Rings
Konstantinos Georgiou
Evacuation from a Disk for Robots with Asymmetric Communication
We consider evacuation of two robots from an Exit placed at an unknown location on the perimeter of a unit disk. The robots can move with max speed 1 and start at the center of the disk at the same time. We consider a new communication model in which the robots have communication faults as follows: one of the robots is a Sender and can only send messages at any distance, while the other is a Receiver in that it can only receive messages from any distance.
We study the evacuation time, namely the time it takes until the last robot finds the Exit, and show that the evacuation time in the new model is strictly between the evacuation times that can be achieved when both robots and none of the robots can send and receive distant messages. Further, we give an evacuation algorithm in which two cooperating robots accomplish the task in worst-case time at most $\pi+2$. An interesting feature of the proposed algorithm is also the asymmetry inherent in the resulting trajectories.
David Ilcinkas
Certifying in Coq results on mobile agents: a user perspective
Results in distributed computing by mobile entities tend to become more and more complex, relying on tedious case-by-case analyses and/or subtle arguments. On the other hand, model checking tools and proof assistants gain maturity, and there now exist frameworks which are specialized for distributed computing by mobile entities. In this talk, I will present my personal experience with the Pactole framework of the Coq proof assistant, that Sébastien Bouchard and I used to prove a result on graph exploration by mobile robots.
Keywords: formal certification, proof assistant, mobile Robots, graph exploration Anissa Lamani
Asynchronous Gathering in a Torus
We consider the gathering problem for asynchronous and oblivious robots that cannot communicate explicitly with each other but are endowed with visibility sensors that allow them to see the positions of the other robots.
Most investigations on the gathering problem on the discrete universe are done on ring shaped networks due to the number of symmetric configurations. We extend the study of the gathering problem on torus shaped networks assuming robots endowed with local weak multiplicity detection. That is, robots cannot make the difference between nodes occupied by only one robot from those occupied by more than one robot unless it is their current node.
Flaminia Luccio
Graph Exploration with Deadlines
An agent, initially located at a random position of a weighted
graph, has to explore it following some constraints. Each edge of the
graph has been assigned a positive real number representing the time
needed to cross that edge, and each node has been assigned a positive
real number which represents a deadline, i.e., the maximum time at which
the agent is allowed to visit the node.
We want to answer to the following
questions: Is there a schedule of visits so that each node is visited at a
time smaller or equal to its deadline? Is there a schedule of visits that
maximizes the number of nodes for which the time constraints are met?
While we have been able to answer to this questions in some specific
topologies, proving feasibility or NP-hardness results, there are still open
questions in very dense graphs (joint work with Shantanu Das, Nikos Giachoudis, Flaminia L. Luccio, and Euripides
Toshimitsu Masuzawa
Gathering Despite Defected View
We provide a new perspective on the observation by robots; a robot cannot necessarily observe all other robots regardless of distances to them. We call this new computational model the defected view model. Under this model, we consider the gathering problem and present possible/impossible results.
Keywords: mobile robot, gathering, defected view model Ryuichi Matsuoka
On Algorithmic Self-Assembly of Squares by Co-transcriptional Folding
Algorithms play a primary role in programming an orchestrated molecular self-assembly system. Co-transcriptional folding is a driving principle of molecular self-assembly in which an RNA sequence (transcript) folds upon itself into a structure while being synthesized (transcribed) from its DNA template. Geary, Rothemund, and Andersen have hard-coded a rectangular tile structure into an RNA sequence, or more precisely into its DNA template, in such a way that the RNA sequence folds into the encoded tile structure co-transcriptionally. Once a target rectangular shape is resized, a transcript has to be designed from scratch. If we can design one transcript which is capable of folding into multiple shapes, the experiment costs can be reduced. In this talk, we present an algorithmic architecture of such a transcript for rectangles and squares using its abstract computational model called oritatami.
Keywords: Algorithmic molecular self-assembly, Co-transcriptional folding, Oritatami system, Self-assembly of rectangles and squares
Alfredo Navarra
Moblot - Molecular Oblivious Robots
Theoretical approaches for swarm robotics mainly consider robot systems in the abstract, where the complexity of the underlying model as well as the robots’ capabilities are often reduced to their minimum. One general and well-investigated model is Oblot, where the robots are silent, anonymous, and oblivious.
In this talk, Moblot is introduced. This is a model that extends Oblot to address a larger spectrum of cases. Moblot stands for Molecular Oblivious robots: like atoms combine themselves to form molecules, in Moblot simple robots can move to form more complex computational units, having an extent and different capabilities with respect to robots; like molecules combine themselves to form the matter, in Moblot the complex structures can exploit their own capabilities to arrange themselves to form any shape defining an acceptable final structure.
In Moblot, the Matter Formation (MF) problem is defined, that requires suitable arrangements of specific molecules. As a general result, a necessary condition for the solvability MF is provided when robots can freely move on the Euclidean plane, or they are constrained on a square grid. Actually, It can be shown how dealing with molecules can resolve in some cases the symmetry breaking issue where Oblot cannot.
Finally, recent distributed algorithms designed for the resolution of basic MF problems are presented.
Nicolas Nisse
Minimum lethal sets in grids and tori under 3-neighbour bootstrap percolation
Let $r \geq 1$ be any non negative integer and let $G=(V,E)$~be any undirected graph in which a subset $D \subseteq V$ of vertices are initially {\it infected}. We consider the process in which, at every step, each non-infected vertex with at least $r$ infected neighbours becomes infected and an infected vertex never becomes non-infected. The problem consists in determining the minimum size $s_{r}(G)$ of an initially infected vertices set $D$ that eventually infects the whole graph $G$.
This problem is closely related to cellular automata, to percolation problems and to the Game of Life studied by John Conway. Note that $s_1(G)=1$ for any connected graph $G$. The case when $G$ is the $n\times n$ grid, $G_{n\times n}$, and $r=2$ is well known and appears in many puzzle books, in particular due to the elegant proof that shows that $s_2(G_{n \times n})=n$ for all $n\in \mathbb{N}$. We study the cases of square grids, $G_{n\times n}$, and tori, $T_{n\times n}$, when $r \in \{3,4\}$. We show that $s_3(G_{n \times n})=\lceil \frac{n^2+2n+4}{3} \rceil$ for every $n$ even and that $\lceil \frac{n^2+2n}{3} \rceil \leq s_3(G_{n \times n})~\leq~\lceil \frac{n^2+2n}{3} \rceil+1$ for any $n$ odd. When $n$ is odd, we show that both bounds are reached, namely $s_3(G_{n \times n})=\lceil \frac{n^2+2n}{3} \rceil$ if $n \equiv 5 \pmod 6$ or $n=2^p-1$ for any $p \in \mathbb{N}^*$, and $s_3(G_{n \times n}) = \lceil \frac{n^2+2n}{3} \rceil+1$ if $n \in \{9,13\}$.
Finally, for all $n\in \mathbb{N}$, we give the exact expression of $s_3(T_{n \times n})$ (joint work with Fabricio Benevides, Jean-Claude Bermond and Hicham Lesfari).
Christian Scheideler
Towards Rapidly Transforming Programmable Matter
The Amoebot model has been proposed as a model for programmable matter. However, its transformation capabilities are too slow to be useful in practice. Therefore, I propose two extensions --- a reconfigurable circuit extension (for the emulation of a nervous system) and a joint movement model (for the emulation of a muscular system) --- and present some first results showing how these can be used effectively to achieve rapid shape transformation and movements.
Keywords: programmable matter, Amoebot model Shinnosuke Seki
Single-stranded architectures for RNA co-transcriptional computing
An RNA sequence folds upon itself while being synthesized (transcribed) from its DNA template sequence nucleotide by nucleotide according to the mapping A to U, C to G, G to C, and T to A. This phenomenon is called RNA co-transcriptional folding. An RNA sequence can fold co-transcriptionally in different ways depending on what are around, and thus drives computations in vivo. Using its “oritatami” model, co-transcriptional folding has proven capable of various computations such as counting in binary, self-assembling a shape efficiently, approximating a fractal, and simulating intrinsically Turing-universal computational models including the cellular automaton, cyclic tag system, and a novel variant of CA called Turedo. This talk provides a tutorial on computations by co-transcriptional folding in vivo and vitro (RNA) as well as in silico (oritatami), with particular emphasis on modular programming in oritatami and molecular counterparts of some oritatami modules found in viral RNAs.
Keywords: Molecular self-assembly, RNA co-transcriptional folding, Oritatami model, Modular programming
Gokarna Sharma
Optimally Solving Some Formation Problems on a Grid by Asynchronous Autonomous Robots
We consider the distributed setting of n autonomous mobile robots that operate in asynchronous Look-Compute-Move cycles following the robots with lights model. We assume obstructed visibility where a robot cannot see another robot if a third robot is positioned on the straight line connecting them. In addition, we consider a grid-based terrain that restricts each robot's movement to one of the four neighboring grid points from its current grid position.
In this talk, we will discuss distributed algorithms for three fundamental formation problems, namely, Complete Visibility, Convex Hull, and Arbitrary Pattern Formation, for robots starting initially at arbitrary but distinct positions. The Complete Visibility problem is to relocate the robots so that each robot sees all n-1 others.
The Convex Hull Formation problem is to relocate the robots so that each robot is positioned on a vertex of a convex hull. The Arbitrary Pattern Formation problem is to relocate the robots to form an arbitrary target pattern given as input. The performance of the designed algorithms is measured with respect to (i) time to solve the problem, (ii) perimeter/area of the solution configuration, and (iii) number of moves by robots. We will particularly argue that our algorithms are asymptotically optimal on all these performance metrics, using only a constant number of colors for the lights.
Giovanni Viglietta
Optimal Computation in Anonymous Dynamic Networks
We discuss optimal deterministic computation in anonymous dynamic networks. By leveraging a recently introduced combinatorial structure called "history tree", we give linear-time algorithms for general computation in such networks in the presence of one or more leaders, as well as leader election algorithms, leaderless average consensus, etc. We also give matching or almost-matching lower bounds on such problems.
Keywords: anonymous dynamic network, history tree, optimal linear time, counting Koichi Wada
Energy-constrained mobile robots and their computational power
We consider distributed systems of identical autonomous computational entities, called
robots, moving and operating in the plane in synchronous Look-Compute-Move (LCM) cycles.
Usually, their models always assume that the robots have unlimited amounts of energy.
In this talk, we remove this assumption and study the computational capabilities of robots whose energy is limited, albeit renewable.
More precisely, we consider systems where an activated entity uses all its energy
to execute an LCM cycle, and the energy can be restored through a period of inactivity.
We consider the computational power of energy-constrained mobile robots and compare it with energy-unconstrained mobile robots.
Note: Other talks will be scheduled directly on site